Abstract-submission for the prostep ivip Symposium 2022 ​

Thank you very much for your interest in submitting an abstract to the prostep ivip Symposium 2022.

All speakers at Symposium have to be associated with an organization that is currently a member of the
prostep ivip Association. Non-members are not entitled to participate. ​​

Your submission proposal should contain:​

  • Information about the presentation language​
  • Title of the presentation in German and English
  • Track (Scientific or Industry) and Category (Presentation or Workshop)​
  • Summary (abstract, max. 1,500 characters)​
  • Name and contact details of all speakers​

(In case of a vendor presentation: participation of an industry user is mandatory!)​​

Participation in the prostep ivip Association is free of charge for speaker. However, in the event of more
than one speaker, each additional speaker is charged 650,00 € excl. VAT.​​

Submission deadline: 8 November 2021​

Notification of speakers as of beginning of December 2021