Abstract submission for the prostep ivip Symposium 2023​

Thank you very much for your interest in submitting an abstract to the prostep ivip Symposium 2023.

Please use the following forms to shape our conference and provide a complete set of information for your application in English until 10 November 2022. 

All speakers have to be associated with an organization that is currently a member of the prostep ivip Association. Non-members are not entitled to give a lecture or conduct a workshop. ​​

Your submission proposal should contain:​

  • information about the presentation language​
  • title of the presentation/workshop (in English mandatory; in German if possible)
  • track (Scientific or Industry) and category (presentation or workshop)​
  • abstract (max. 1,500 characters)​
  • name and contact details of the speakers​

(In case of a vendor presentation: participation of an industry user is mandatory!)​​

The number of speakers is strictly limited to two speakers per presentation or workshop. Only the first speaker is free of charge. We will charge a reduced fee of 650,00 € excl. VAT for the next speaker.​​

The application deadline for submission is 11 November 2022. All applicants will receive a notification on whether they will be included in the program as speakers at the prostep ivip Symposium beginning of January 2023.